From Poetry to Prose

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Good Grief I

I quit my internship today.

Do I have any regrets? No.
Will I miss getting paid? Mayhaps.

The internship seemed more like a job; I didn't really get much out of it. I basically went in when I could, made some layouts for ads and edited blurbs about the books we were promoting. Very mindless work, actually. And yes, I was getting paid for that. So why did I quit? Frankly, the internship did teach me one thing: I would never want to do that for a living. Gawd. I need a job that would be more exciting than sitting in front of a computer, just using blocks and cover images to make ads for catalogues and book reviews. KMS. To the extreme.
Plus, I was feeling bad for missing out on so many work days. Granted that I only worked 7 hours a week, but I just had no passion or feel for it. Thus making me sluggish. And bitter. But now it's all over, and hopefully someone who'll actually like the work will get the internship spot I left.

In other news, with the internship out of the way, I actually had time to go to the academic advising center to see how my pathway to graduating is going. And to my freaking surprise, turns out that I still have two more requirements to fill. Two of which I thought were completed. WTF?! So now I'm stuck taking a 'Natural Science' and a 'Analytic/Quantitative' bs class during my senior year of college. There goes The Bible as Literature class that I've been itching to take. But hopefully they'll offer that next spring. Keep your fingers crossed.

Another thing I need to get out of the way is getting my Wachovia account settled. For the bazillionth time. Seriously, this is like the third debit card I've gotten from them, and my freaking pin number still doesn't work. Those bastards. Why am I still doing business with these bastards? Gosh, I baffle myself.

When will this madness all end? And I'm so tired. And I still have to write my paper for my Medieval Literature in Dissent class. Good grief.


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